Copywriter. Interviewer. Article: A conversation with Boris Bidjan Saberi

Looking to the past to innovate the future.

Creativity has a habit of stemming from unlikely scenarios. We often don’t notice it at the time, but every time we’re inspired, every life-changing moment that occurs, even every breath we take, gets soaked into us and bleeds out in the form of creative expression. It forms individuality, and it is this individuality that makes us who we are, and the way we are perceived by others.

More importantly, it is what we do with this creative expression that helps carve ourselves into the world, and certain people use their past experiences to help shape new ones for others; to inspire people, to blur the line between concepts, and make people think differently. These people push boundaries, stand out, and make a change in the culture that everyone is craving to be a part of today.

To truly create something new and unique requires you to look back. Looking at different cultures, backgrounds, locations, and niches helps us stir the creative pot, and merging different variables together fabricates something new entirely: a grey area. In this day, this is seen as harder than ever to do. With everyone trying to be a creative, there are only so many niches to tap into and only so many grey areas to discover. But occasionally, someone achieves this and spawns a different way of thinking, looking, and approaching. One of these individuals is a man named Boris Bidjan Saberi. 

Boris, born on September 11th, 1978, is a by-product of multiple backgrounds, professions, subcultures, and passions. A fashion designer at his core, but creativity running much deeper than just incredibly well-formed clothing, many would recognise his work from his collaborative projects with Salomon. Although Boris has tapped into a vast amount of creative projects, and his work and way of thinking has a genuine narrative and deep understanding of the aforementioned blending of cultures, we wanted to sit down with him to talk about where his inspiration is drawn from, and how his past experiences bleed into his work. 

Boris has dipped his hands into numerous different projects and collaborations, always ensuring two things: progress and experimentation. His way of thinking and creating does not come across as purposely trying to stand out for the sake of it, but instead to resonate with it and never settling for normality, as well as an urge to create something that blends multiple things together to provide something truly unique and that was not done before. In a world where trendsetting is king, and trend following is the next best thing, someone who can breathe new life into the scene, not by changing but just by contributing, is welcomed with open arms.

Boris’ eponymous clothing brands are a breed of meticulous thinking, future-facing minimalism, and punk-like aesthetics. Detail, form, and technique are always at the forefront of his efforts when providing us with a new collection, and throughout the years Boris has been congratulated as a visionary in the industry. Creatively expressing a blend of different subcultures and aesthetics to form a new one entirely, Boris successfully brings together themes of his past, whilst also seeing through a lens into the future, to highlight that if something isn’t already out there, it is just waiting to be discovered.

Now situated in the bustling city of Barcelona, Boris Bidjan Saberi has seen much success in his past work and is a real master of his craft. A sense of mystique oozes from his presence and past projects, so it was an honour to be able to sit down, listen, and allow him to talk us through his creative process. Let’s dive into the mind of a true modern-day innovator and learn more about his life, his inspirations, and how he projects his creativity onto the world.