Copywriter. Trend Analysis.

Guide to Korean Brands: Trend Analysis
and Product Guide

Sabukaru Guide to Our Favourite Korean Brands

South Korea is quickly becoming one of the beacons of fashion, developing its own unique style and sophistication. From Seoul to Busan, emerging talents are galvanizing the fashion scene with their blend of textile innovation and unique silhouettes. With a hyper-focus on breaking industry standards as well as continuing to push forward trends and diversity, many of Korea’s brands are bravely walking forward towards the future whilst keeping a keen eye on the past for inspiration.

This is not to say that Korea has never been fashionable. Having always an intriguing and tantalizing relationship with streetwear, colliding together different genres to create bold aesthetics, the streets of Seoul and beyond have always been a spectacle with rivers of colour and fashion aficionados flowing through them. Although, whilst it has always been interesting, the fashion scene was not looked at as much, nor as respected, as the likes of Tokyo and New York. With a focus on cheap, fast, but highly aesthetical garments, the scene had never been truly nurtured until recent years.

With Korea being such a diverse space for creativity, this is distilled into the fashion scene. For as long as Korea has been a subtle driving force within fashion, colours have collided, hair and make-up effortlessly blend with the outfits, silhouettes are both oversized and slim, and gender norms are continuously broken through blending male and female fashion principles.

In 2023, Korea’s fashion landscape has never been more exciting, and this is down to the numerous fashion talents breaking through into the scene. Whilst there is yet to be a figure such as Yohji Yamamoto or Issey Miyake coming from an Eastern-Asian country, with the number of exciting brands and designers now seeing the limelight they deserve, we may not be far off.